I woke up this morning to find one of my customers Sharepoint sites wasn’t running, after logging on to the server I discovered a number of service errors.
System event log 7001
The World Wide Web Publishing Service service depends on the Windows Process Activation Service service which failed to start because of the following error:
Transaction support within the specified resource manager is not started or was shut down due to an error.
System event log 5189
The Windows Process Activation Service failed to generate an application pool config file for application pool ‘*’. The error type is ‘0’. To resolve this issue, please ensure that the applicationhost.config file is correct and recommit the last configuration changes made. The data field contains the error number.
First thoughts
Initially I ran a chkdsk on the system drive, but the file system was clean. I then ran the following command from an elevated command prompt:
fsutil resource setautoreset true c:\
The above command assume c:\ is the system drive. When you issue this command the transactional resource manager will clean the transaction metadata on its next mount on drive c:\.
Afterwards I restarted the server, and it restarted with a clean bill of health.
Final thoughts
All this was achieved with proactive monitoring and before 08:30am so the customer didn’t even know anything was wrong.